From concept to completed design, Gumboh Web is your e-Newsletter Publication virtual publisher.

E-newsletter Design Benefit:

  • Generate leads and increase traffic
  • Establish credibility
  • Demonstrate your expertise in your industry
  • Drive customers loyalty

E-newsletter will keep you in touch with your customers. Further benefits include:

  • Relay publicity events to the public
  • Create interest in your products and services
  • Keep community members informed
  • Remind customers of your unique brand image
  • Baytech lays out the entire e-newsletter to make it visually appealing to your repeat and new readers. Leave your e-newsletter brand and design to us.


Email Marketing is a very powerful and cost effective method of online marketing. Email marketing is a type of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means of communicating with a large number of customers.

Site Search

DMC Firewall is developed by Dean Marshall Consultancy Ltd